gear slowly turning

inifinate space inside the door

inifinate space inside the door
inifinate space inside the door

door leading nowhere gently swinging ever so slightly more open and ever so slightly more closed


She's obsessed with mbti types.

She has tried (unsucessfully) many times to film TV shows staring the four of us.

She's really good at crafts and especially painting.

She's really good at making up story games for us to play.

We're both watching Deathnote!

She made an entrie sticker sheet for her math class.

She makes memes with her cat that we use on our Skype chat.

Technology hates her.

I think we'd make a good pair of protagonists.

She has very interesting thoughts (I really enjoy talking to her).

door leading nowhere gently swinging ever so slightly more open and ever so slightly more closed

Forest's Shrine!

One of my besties! This is based on a page of her (really pretty) bullet journal.

Forest was the second friend I got (at least from how I remeber it Roka, Forest and me all became friends at basically the same time), and she was kind of the leader of all of our pretend games (that's how we got Cotton). We used to ride the bus together and live on the same street so we got a lot of talking time in on the bus (my favorite subjects were recounting our dreams, memorizing songs, and playing chess). We also had a summer where we went to camp together and got to go to waterparks every week which was so fun. She's a perfect mix of bossy and creative that makes life really interesting with her (except when she's busy with hw which is all the time now :/ )!
