Hi! I'm not sure where I'm going to put this yet, but this is my little corner of space! I mean all of this is mine, but like this is... you get it.

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I'm Aspen (she/her), and this is my site. I like a lot of different styles, so it was hard to choose one, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I really want to make friends out here on the interwebs, but that's kinda hard when I don't have any way to contact me other than my guestbook. Hopefully, I can get a site email and put that up here sometime.

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I don't really know what to put here to be honest. Uh, I have a lot of different interests and I tend to bounce around, but what I like about websites is that it doesn't really matter. It's always going to be here even when I'm not. My favorite pages are the ones I hide around the site because then I get to mess around with the formating and css.

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Icons from: Diego Vanilla on Deviant Art
Page Dividers and Backgrounds from: Cinni's Dream House on NeoCities